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curation process

This online curated gateway is a comprehensive guide to a wide range of resources compiled specifically for health professionals and researchers in the fields of respiratory, sleep, environmental and occupational health. It has been developed as a vital tool to enable users to efficiently and effectively identify and access quality information for education, research, and professional development to promote optimal patient care.

This website is developed by the Education and Training Sub-committee of the Respiratory, Sleep, Environmental and Occupational Health (RSEOH) Clinical Academic Group (CAG) of the Maridulu Budyari Gumal-Sydney Partnership for Health, Education, Research and Enterprise (SPHERE), including:

Dr Sarah Dineen-Griffin , A/Prof Maria Sukkar, Dr Ben Kolevski, Prof Brian Oliver, Dr Hima Vedam

A systematic approach was used for the development of the gateway, incorporating four phases as follows:
1.       Selection of topic areas
2.       Grey literature search incorporating different search strategies
3.       Curation of resources
4.       Website development

Selection of topic areas

The topic areas were selected following consensus with the RSEOH CAG subcommittee, and feasibility given resources and time available. These topic areas have been arranged according to the World Health Organization International Classification of Diseases.

Grey literature search incorporating different search strategies

A grey literature search was undertaken, based on previous published methodology outlined by Godin et al*. The three stages of grey searching are outlined as follows:

  • Targeted website searching which involved hand searching national and international websites of organisations that publish resources relevant to the respiratory and sleep topics. Examples included the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand, the Lung Foundation of Australia, the British Thoracic Society, and the European Respiratory Society etc.

  • Conducting a series of Advanced Google searches for each of the identified topics to identify resources for the gateway. Search strategies were developed using various word combinations of highly searched terms and keywords.

  • Screening process, whereby the first 100 results from each search were reviewed for eligibility according to inclusion and exclusion criteria to be included on the gateway.

*Godin, K., Stapleton, J., Kirkpatrick, S. I., Hanning, R. M., & Leatherdale, S. T. (2015). Applying systematic review search methods to the grey literature: a case study examining guidelines for school-based breakfast programs in Canada. Systematic reviews, 4(1), 138. DOI: 10.1186/s13643-015-0125-0

All resources selected for inclusion were assessed against the following criteria:

  • Resource is in English language

  • Resource is intended for health professionals and/or researchers

  • Resource developed or revised within the last 3 years

  • Web link is not broken

  • Current version of the resource

  • Both freely available and paid resources

Curation of resources
Overall, 2,681 records were reviewed against inclusion criteria. 2,395 records did not meet inclusion criteria and were removed, with 286 records assessed as eligible. All websites were checked for HONcode certification*. Those with HONcode certification (and meeting the above selection criteria) were automatically included. Furthermore, websites from the following organisations were also automatically included (NICE/ SIGN, WHO, ATS, BTS, ERS, TSANZ) (and meeting the above selection criteria).

*The HONcode certification is an ethical standard aimed at offering quality health information. The HONcode is the most widely accepted reference for online health and medical publishers. Currently the HONcode is used by over 7’300 certified websites, more than 10 million pages, covering 102 countries.



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